
JAKARTA - The Metro Penjaringan Sector Police (Polsek), North Jakarta Metro Police (Polres) added one examinee who was questioned regarding the burning of people alive at Jelambar Bridge, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, Wednesday night, January 4.

The interim acting Head of the Public Relations Section of the Penjaringan Metro Police, Iptu Susanto, said that the status of the examinee is still a witness and no one has been named a suspect.

"The total number of witnesses who are being made the Examination Ceremony (BAP) by investigators has increased by one person, bringing the total number of examined people to five," Susanto said as quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 5.

Susanto said the two victims were a man with the initials S (40) and a woman with the initials D (39). As of Wednesday night, they were still being chased.

"Yes, hopefully (the perpetrator) hasn't gone anywhere, so we can easily secure it," he said.

Susanto did not deny that the suspect in the burning of the two victims was a close friend of one of the victims with the initials D.

"It could be (a close friend of victim D), it could or not. We are applying the presumption of innocence," said Susanto.

Furthermore, according to Susanto, the witness who was last examined was at the scene at the time of the incident. However, the initials of his name still cannot be revealed further before the BAP process is complete.

According to Susanto, the victim was doused with gasoline by the perpetrator before being burned. This information was conveyed by one of the investigators based on the results of the examination of the victim's clothes by the Penjaringan Metro Police.

"Before burning, doused with gasoline," said Susanto.

The motive for the perpetrator is still being investigated. According to Susanto, his party was also assisted by joint personnel from the North Jakarta Metro Police and the Metro Jaya Regional Police (Polda) to uncover this case.

"Later, if there are further developments, we will definitely inform all of your colleagues," said Susanto.

Previously, the Head of Criminal Investigation at the North Jakarta Metro Police, AKBP Febri Isman Jaya, said that two victims were burned alive on the banks of Kali Angke, Pejagalan, Penjaringan, at around 19.00 WIB, Wednesday night.

"It was around 19.00 WIB. So the couple were both walking on the outskirts of the river, suddenly a perpetrator came to pour gasoline on one of the victims," Febri explained to reporters at the scene, Wednesday night.

After the fire, continued Febri, victim S threw himself into Kali Fajar Angke. After the incident, S immediately died at the scene.

However, Febri has not been able to conclude the exact cause of S's death due to burns or drowning in the river. Therefore, he is still waiting for the autopsy results from the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

Meanwhile, victim D suffered burns to his left hand. D is still undergoing medical treatment at Duta Indah Hospital due to the arson incident.

Police are still pursuing the perpetrators of the arson.

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