FeelingENCEd By Her Good Name, Alvin Lim Curhat's Child Makes Reports Make It Difficult
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JAKARTA - Kate Victoria Lim, son of lawyer Alvin Lim, admitted that she felt she was a victim of a criminal act of defamation on Uya Kuya's YouTube channel. On that basis, Kate reported to the police. However, during the process of making the report, Kate was deemed ineligible because she was considered not old enough.

Kate via Quotient TV's Youtube channel, shared her experience of trying to make her own police report.

"I deliberately came without the LQ lawyer to experience the Police's own services, especially for underage girls who were victims of crimes." Kate said.

Kate admitted that initially she came to the South Tangerang Police to the SPKT to report that a criminal act had occurred, but the SPKT said it could not without being accompanied by government officers from PT2PA. When I was about to leave the SPKT, Polri officers told me to meet picket investigators.

"Asked about the procedure for reporting to minors, he seemed confused and for hours trying to find out which article and which law there should be a guardian. What makes me confused, my biological father has indeed divorced my biological mother, but my father remarried to Phioruci, isn't Phioruci legally legal as my parent even though my stepmother. The police insist on accompanying her mother or biological father." Kate said.

Kate Lim also continued making reports at Polda Metro Jaya. Arriving there, officers from the Cyber sub-directorate said that her assumptions and thoughts were better not made for the good of all parties, she said. In fact, I was asked to bring an expert. It was said that we did not refuse, but came just another day, the possible results could be different (different SPKT guard officers). The previous cyber officer said it could be, the criminal element of defamation was fulfilled as long as my father's brother came. Until I called my father's younger brother at 12 pm and slid to the Regional Police from his house. However, after filling out the statement letter of guardians and recommendation letters, cyber officers were replaced and re-absorbed for other reasons. "Obviously Kate.

As an Indonesian citizen, Kate Lim conveyed her complaints to the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit. "Dear Chief of Police, if only I, the son of a lawyer, finds it difficult to get police services, what about other people? What happened to other minors who were victims of crimes, for example being harassed or tortured by their biological parents? If they are not accompanied by biological parents, then they cannot ask for police services?" he said.

Kate Lim came to report that she was suspected of being a victim of defamation on Uya Kuya TV. Kate felt that the speaker on the show accused Kate of being brainwashed and taught to hate since childhood.

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