
YOGYAKARTA - It seems that the political map of East Java will change considering the former Governor of East Java (Jatim) Soekarwo or Pakde Karwo left the Democratic Party and returned to the Golkar Party. His move is considered to have an impact on the political map in East Java. Let's check Soekarwo's profile.

Political observer from Trunojoyo Madura University Surokim Abdussalam measures that Soekarwo's entry into Golkar will have a major impact on changing the map of political parties in East Java.

"Mr. Karwo's return as a figure and the soap opera will have an impact in East Java, but if the national level is not in my opinion," said Surokim, Thursday, January 5.

Surokim explained that Soekarwo had a significant impact in East Java, because he had served as governor twice in East Java. Then what is Soekarwo's Profile?

Dr.H Soekarwo or who is familiarly called Pakde Karwo is the Governor of East Java for the term of office from 2009 to 2014. He was born June 16, 1950 in Madiun. He is known as a genuine bureaucrat. Pakde Karwo is a truly visionary person.

Ideas for the sake of ideas continue to be maximized. Especially when he served as Regional Secretary of East Java Province. At that time, Pakde Karwo made the idea of public service. Pakde Karwo changed the perspective of bureaucrats who were previously government, becoming bureaucrats as servants. Pakde Karwo began to use the mechanism of machinery or banking to facilitate administrative affairs of service.

Pakde Karwo was elected governor in the Regional Head Election and Deputy Head of East Java Province which was held for three rounds (first round on July 23, 2008 and the second round on November 4, 2008) as well as the re-election of the second round (third round) in Bangkalan Regency and Sampang Regency on January 21, 2009.

On February 12, 2009, Soekarwo was appointed governor and Saifullah Yusuf as deputy governor of East Java by the Minister of Home Affairs H. Mardiyanto. As Governor of East Java, Pakde Karwo is committed to his promise to eradicate poverty through a solution to providing facilities and convenience in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as providing facilities for Cooperatives.

To attract investors to invest in East Java, Pakde Karwo has carried out progressive steps by establishing an Integrated Licensing Service Center (P2T), which cuts the bureaucratic road which takes a long time to become faster. In addition, land is also provided that is ready for investors, providing electricity adequacy.

Thus realizing a positive correlated concept between poverty alleviation and job expansion. Thus, Pakde Karwo consistently sided with the poor but consistently provided opportunities for entrepreneurs to maximize their investment. The plan is that he will return to the next governor election.

In the 2013 election for the Governor of East Java, Soekarwo and his partner Gus Ipul were again elected to lead East Java. He successfully won the election in just one round. Pakde Karo is again relied on by the public to lead because many residents claim to be satisfied with his workforce. Not only that, the level of popularity of this pair is also higher compared to the other three pairs.

Biodata Sukarno

Full Name:

H. Soekarwo M. Hum


Pak De Karwo Soekarwo



Place of Birth:

Madiun, East Java

Birth Date:

Friday, June 16, 1950

Let's go:





Hj. Nina Kirana



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