
JAKARTA - Former Governor of East Java (East Java) Soekarwo or Pakde Karwo left the Democratic Party and returned to the Golkar Party. His move is considered to have an impact on the political map in East Java. Political observer from Trunojoyo Madura University, Surokim Abdussalam, assessed that Soekarwo's entry to Golkar would have a major impact on changing the map of political party strength in East Java.

"Pak Karwo's presence as a figure and soap opera will affect East Java, but if it's at the national level, it's not really in my opinion," said Surokim, Thursday, January 5.

Surokim explained that Soekarwo had a significant influence in East Java, because he had served as governor for 2 terms.

"In East Java, it is significant because he has become governor twice, contested Pilgub twice, network, field experience, contests to win votes, he does have a basis," he explained.

Therefore, Surokim assessed that Golkar got new energy in East Java with the entry of Pakde Karwo considering that previously the party cadre bearing the banyan symbol and the chairman of the East Java DPRD were caught by the KPK regarding corruption.

"For Golkar, East Java is certainly a blessing. After all, Pakde Karwo has a deep-rooted network in East Java, especially in Mataraman, West Java," he said.

Previously, Golkar Party DPP chairman Dave Laksono said that as Pakde Karwo was returned, he was given the position of Chairman of the Expert Council of the Golkar Party. "Last information, he will serve as one of the Deputy Chairmans of the Expert Council," said Dave, Wednesday, January 4.

According to Dave, Pakde Karwo's passion, knowledge, and experience will be useful for the victory of the Golkar Party and General Chair Airlangga Hartarto in the 2024 General Election.

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