
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government plans to direct the reclamation of Pulau G for residential areas. This is stated in Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 31 of 2022 concerning the Detailed Spatial Planning Plan (RDTR) for the DKI Jakarta Planning Area which was issued when Anies Baswedan served as Governor of DKI.

Then, what is the progress when the helm of leadership in DKI is now held by the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono?

Head of the DKI Jakarta Cipta Karya, Land and Spatial Planning (Citata) Office, Heru Hermawanto, explained that currently the certainty of the designation of Island G is still waiting for planning. This bill will be contained in a regional regulation (perda) regarding regional spatial plans (RTRW).

"The RDTR governor's regulation has already been stated. Then, for the allocation of Island G, it depends on what kind of RTRW," Heru told reporters, Thursday, January 5.

Currently, the DKI Provincial Government has compiled a draft regional regulation (Raperda) regarding RTRW to the DKI DPRD for discussion, before finally it was agreed by issuing a regional regulation.

"From Pak Pj (Heru Budi) just conveyed it to the council (DPRD). Later there will be another adjustment. After that, it will only be submitted to the Ministry of ATR/BPN to ask for approval," he said.

For information, while still in office, Anies Baswedan Governor Regulation Number 31 of 2022 concerning Detailed Plans for Spatial Planning for the DKI Jakarta Planning Area.

One of the regional planning regulated in this new regulation is to determine the reclamation area of Island G to become a threshold zone, which means that it has not yet received certainty of designation. In this zone, the DKI Provincial Government recommends Pulau G for residential areas.

"The reclamation area of Pulau G is directed at residential areas," reads Article 192 paragraph (2) of Pergub Number 31 of 2022.

The reason Anies directed Pulau G to become a residential area is because the community's need for housing in Jakarta is still large.

However, the certainty of its designation for Pulau G later must still be determined through regional regulations regarding regional spatial plans (RTRW) discussed with the DKI Jakarta DPRD.

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