
The Central Lombok Police Satreskrim arrested three perpetrators who were still in the same family in the murder case of a woman with the initials FS (19), who was found dead hanging from her house.

"The victim was allegedly killed by her husband with the initials MR (20), his father-in-law with the initials S (46) and assisted by the victim's brother-in-law with the initials S (28)," said Head of the Central Lombok Police Satreskrim Inspector One Ridho Rizki at the Central Lombok Police Headquarters, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Wednesday 4 January.

In the murder case, the police arrested the three perpetrators less than three hours after receiving information from the public and conducting an investigation at the scene.

Ridho said, from the autopsy results and several irregularities found at the crime scene (TKP), FS victim died because he was murdered.

After an investigation and examination, the victim's husband admitted to killing his own wife FS by being beaten, then his body was hanged using a nylon rope on a nail behind the door.

The perpetrator MR admitted that he was assisted by his brother and biological mother to commit the murder. MR killed his own wife on the grounds that he was annoyed that the victim liked to fight her husband's wishes.

"For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code with the threat of the death penalty or a maximum of 20 years in prison," he said, quoted by Antara.

Previously, the discovery of the body of a young woman who allegedly hanged herself shocked the residents of Pondok Komak Hamlet, Lantan Village, North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency, Tuesday, January 3.

North Batukliang Police Chief Iptu Sribagyo said the initial victim FS (19) was found by his younger brother who came home from school and saw the victim's position with a rope tied neck hanging behind the door.

"Seeing the incident, the witness immediately shouted to call the victim's in-laws," he said.

Hearing the call, the victim's mother-in-law immediately rushed to the crime scene and saw the victim hanging dead.

The victim's mother-in-law immediately shouted to the neighbors around the house and they arrived, then immediately contacted the victim's husband who was working in a garden quite far from home.

Receiving the incident report, the North Batukliang Police Criminal Investigation Unit led by the police chief immediately went to the TKP to secure the location, asked witnesses for statements and contacted the Central Lombok Police Inafis team for identification and processing of the crime scene.

Based on the results of the medical team's examination by the Tanak Beak Health Center, the victim's head and face were not found with any abnormalities, while on the neck there were traces of a rope that looked bluish and swollen which was suspected to be due to the snares of the rope.

"The tongue was turned on, while the victim's genitals looked like yellowish liquid like urine," said Ridho.

Meanwhile, on the chest and hands of the victim, no scars were found, only on the left knee there were traces of snares and on the right knee there were bruises and abrasions.

"To determine the cause of death of the victim, the parents of the victim and all the families present agreed to do an autopsy," he said.

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