
CILEGON The Cilegon Police have pocketed the identity of the perpetrator of the US kidnapping (4) which occurred on Monday afternoon, January 2. Kasiumas Cilegon Police, Akp Sigit Dermawan told reporters that the identity of the perpetrator was known after examining a number of witnesses.

"The Cilegon Police have examined witnesses, both the victim's mother, sellers at warteg, parking attendants and have also analyzed CCTV at Ramayana Mall Cilegon," said Sigit, Wednesday, January 4.

Sigit said that until now his party was still searching for victims and perpetrators.

It was explained again that the US kidnapping took place at Ramayana Mall Cilegon. At that time the US victim and his brother, AB (7). After meeting the perpetrators, the two were invited to buy ice at the mall.

"AS was persuaded with his brother, by the perpetrators to find ice at Ramayana Mall Cilegon. Then the perpetrator invited him to eat at a warteg using public transportation," he said.

Arriving at the warteg, Sigit continued, AB (7) was tricked to go home by the perpetrator and picked up AB's mother and invited to eat together at the warteg, but after AB and her mother went to warteg, the perpetrator and child AS (4) were no longer at the location.

Ari, one of the US families, when contacted by VOI confirmed that AS had disappeared. The loss of the US has been reported to the Cilegon Police. The resident of the Jombang Cemara neighborhood was last seen playing with his friend on Monday afternoon.

"Yes (the AS is missing) It has been (reported) to the Cilegon Police (Tuesday 3 January) at 2 pm." Ari said in a short message, Tuesday, January 3.

Ari explained, the US has been missing since Monday, January 2 wearing short-sleeved jeans.

"Using clothes to draw short legislative ingredients. We have been searched around Cilegon, we have not been searched for in other areas", said Ari.

Ari hopes that the police can find the US in a short time.

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