
CIANJUR - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said logistical assistance for earthquake victims in Cianjur Regency, West Java, was still sufficient even though previously the local district government (Pemkab) said logistics at the evacuation post were sufficient for the next five days. "Yes... I asked earlier that everyone was in good health. And I even asked someone, (is) the food enough? Until today it is still being maintained," said Vice President Ma'ruf at the location of the relocation of houses for earthquake victims in Sirnaginalih Village, Cilaku District, Cianjur Regency, Antara, January 4. Previously, the Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Cianjur Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Asep Sudrajat said that currently the logistics stock in BPBD, Unilever and Bale Rancage warehouses is only sufficient to cover the needs of earthquake victims for the next three to five days. Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto said that the available logistics stock is sufficient for the next three weeks to a month. "But of course from the West Java Provincial Government, then city districts continue to add. His current status is still a transition from emergency response to reconstruction. This means that in this transition stage, the central government is still stepping in, meaning BNPB," he said. BNPB, according to him, will continue to ensure the availability of logistics first. "Especially during the transition period, but after 3 months of entering the rehabilitation stage for reconstruction, yes... it has returned to their respective communities. It is impossible for the central government to fully support it, the community can also return to work," he said. He also said that the district/city government had also appealed to these refugees to return to their respective homes or set up tents or temporary shelters. "From there, we can work and life can run again, the logistics don't have to be 100 percent supported by the government," added Suharyanto. During the review, a resident complained that he had not received help renovating his damaged house. "Not yet, not at all received sir. How come it's slow sir? Please speed it up sir," said a resident named Surherlan. He admitted that his house was heavily damaged so he had to set up a tent located near his house. "This is the head of BNPB, isn't there any stages? Is it the relocated one?" said the Vice President. "No," replied Suherlan. The total refugees from the Cianjur earthquake reached 166,927 people, while the total loss reached Rp4 trillion with 59,889 thousand damaged houses consisting of 14,581 heavily damaged, 17,198 moderately damaged and 28,110 lightly damaged. In addition, 281 houses of worship, 18 health facilities, 18 offices and 701 educational facilities were affected. The government provided assistance funds for repairing houses that were heavily damaged by Rp. 60 million, moderately damaged Rp. 30 million and lightly damaged by Rp. 15 million. Home repairs in Phase 1 were given to 8,316 housing units with details of 1,964 houses heavily damaged, 2,543 housing units moderately damaged and 3,809 lightly damaged houses. Assistance has been distributed to 40 percent of beneficiary accounts, the remaining 60 percent will be submitted after the construction progress reaches 40 percent. Meanwhile, the provision of housing repair assistance Phase 2 was given to 16,745 housing units, details of 2,499 housing units severely damaged, 4,834 housing units moderately damaged and 9,412 housing units lightly damaged. The assistance has been distributed to the regional government account, then the data will be validated by BNPB before being distributed to the beneficiary account.

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