
BANTEN Viral on social media husband cheating on her with her mother-in-law in Serang, Banten. RZ (21), as NR's ex-husband, admitted that he was annoyed because he felt cornered with the viral content. Together with his lawyer, RZ reported his ex-wife to the Banten Police.

RZ reported NR on suspicion of defamation and violation of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE).

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, when confirmed, confirmed the news. RZ came with his legal adviser to the Banten Police Integrated Service Center (SPKT) on Thursday, December 29 to make a Police Report (LP) regarding the alleged ITE crime.

However, the RZ report is deemed not to have met the requirements for evidence that must be attached, so the Banten Police have not been able to receive the report.

"According to the results of the title according to the SOP in the Police Report service at the Banten Police SPKT, it is concluded that the reporting has not fulfilled the evidence that supports the alleged ITE crime," Shinto explained in his statement, Wednesday, January 4.

However, RZ and his attorney held a further discussion with investigators from the Sub-Directorate IV Cyber Ditreskrimsus of the Banten Police to submit a complaint sheet. However, Shinto ensured that until now no report had been made by RZ.

"Until now there have been no police reports coming in from RZ at the Banten Police," said Shinto.

Shinto added that in accordance with the Chief of Police Circular Number 2 dated February 19, 2021, the Sub-Directorate IV of the Ditreskrimsus of the Banten Police will prioritize educational efforts and warnings against content deemed defamatory of a person.

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