
LARANTUKA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) delivered an early warning regarding the threat of tidal flooding in coastal areas of seven islands in the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) from 5-6 January 2023. Head of the Tenau Kupang Maritime Meteorological Station, BMKG Syaeful Hadi, said that during that period tidal flooding could potentially occur in coastal areas of Flores, Alor, Sumba, Sabu, Raijua, Timor, and Rote islands. The phenomenon of the full moon on January 6, 2023, has the potential to cause a significant increase in the maximum sea level and this condition can cause tidal flooding. In addition, he continued, high wave height, wind speed, and high rainfall could increase the risk of flooding in coastal areas. Tidal floods can disrupt the activities of residents in coastal areas, loading and unloading activities at ports, as well as salt pond and land fisheries business activities. Syaeful appealed to people who live and work in coastal areas to increase vigilance. "The public must always be vigilant and alert to anticipate the impact of coastal flooding so that losses can be minimized," he said when asked for information from Larantuka, the capital city of East Flores Regency, Antara, Wednesday, January 4. He also appealed to the public to monitor the broadcast of weather information from the BMKG.

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