
JAKARTA - A petition voicing the re-imposition of work from home (WFH) or working from home is widely discussed on social media. The petition uploaded on page by a person named Riwaty Sidabutar entitled "Back WFH Because Streets Are More Dilute, Pollution and Makes Not Productive".

This petition was made two months ago. At that time, the status of the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) throughout Indonesia was level 1. The essential to non-essential office sector can operate with 100 percent employee capacity working in the office.

The petition began to get busy when the PPKM in Indonesia was revoked by President Joko Widodo. The petitioner's office worker explained that the reason he wanted the WFH rules to be reinstated was because he felt stressed when he traveled to his office and returned home.

"Two years can work from home, when going to the office again it feels even more stressful," Riwaty wrote on the petition site, quoted Wednesday, January 4.

Riwaty explained that he had to travel 20 kilometers to his office and 20 kilometers to return home every working day.

"Not to mention if it rains. It could be, I was stuck in traffic for a long time, one hour even using a motorcycle," he said.

According to the petitioner, work from office (WFO) or work in the office does not necessarily make the workers more productive. Because, when you have to face traffic jams and the length of the trip makes it more tired. Meanwhile, WFH allows it to work immediately without having to travel.

Therefore, the petitioner requested that the 100 percent capacity rule for employees working in the office be reviewed. As a worker, he feels better if given the option to work from home.

"Several countries, such as the Netherlands, have done it. I am sure that Indonesia can do it too. I am sure, with this regulation from the government, offices will be more flexible so that workers can be more comfortable," he explained.

As of this morning, the petition that voiced that WFH should be implemented again was at least 11,755 people have signed and the number continues to grow.

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