
JAKARTA - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, has prepared a budget of Rp. 14 billion from donations that come from various groups for the construction of temporary housing for earthquake victims. Later, each head of the family will get Rp. 1 million.

Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman said the recipients who would build their own temporary residence (huntara) as desired, so that they would no longer live in refugee posts that were starting to get unhealthy.

"Each head of the family will receive assistance of Rp. 1 million for shelters, made of bamboo and tarpaulin walls that are easy to get in every village in Cianjur," he said.

Herman explained that the money given can be developed by the recipient when he wants the shelter to be comfortable, he can use the remaining materials for collapsed houses or other materials, so that there are several rooms that can be built inside.

Until now, his party is still collecting data on refugees who have not received shelter assistance from volunteers or other organizations, so those who have received it will not be recorded again to receive money to build shelters.

"Data collection will be carried out by each assistant from the appointed service, so that no one family will receive the same two assistances. We have asked for the re-data collection to be carried out so that the money can be distributed immediately," he said.

Pengelola Pengonasi Gempa Cianjur Komarudin mengatakan korban gempa yang menerima bantuan huntara diprioritaskan yang rumahnya rusak berat, sehingga segera pindah dari posko pengungsung sambil menunggu bantuan pembangunan kembali rumahnya dari pemerintah.

"For houses that have been severely damaged, around 14 thousand (units) have been recorded, so we prepare from a donation of Rp. 14 billion. Those whose houses are heavily damaged will receive money for the construction of shelters, while those who are damaged will receive family tents," he said.

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