
YOGYAKARTA The government provides services to the community in various ways, one of which is through the Pro-People Blu program which includes educational scholarships.

As is known, the Public Service Agency (BLU) is an agency formed by the Government to serve the community through the provision of goods and/services sold without taking into account the elements of profit. BLU operates and carries out its activities based on the principles of efficiency and productivity.

Currently, there are several Government agencies that are public service agencies, for example, are state universities or universities (PTN). The existence of PTN is also related to increasing education in Indonesia which is part of Pro-Rakyat Blu. One of the Pro-People Blu programs is the provision of educational assistance in the form of scholarships.

Quoted from Detikcom, universities with BLU status are required to find and attract prospective new students who have high academic potential but are economically weak, and/or prospective students who come from disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas.

It should be noted that not all universities have BLU status. Therefore, educational assistance in Pro-People is intended for the two types of PTN, namely as follows.

PTN BLU Kemendikbud provides UKT relief schemes through UKT temporary exemption, UKT reduction, UKT group changes, to UKT payments with installment systems.

PTN BLU Kemenag will provide a UKT relief scheme divided into two types, namely a one-level reduction in UKT below it or a reduction in UKT from 10 percent to 100 percent.

The MBR scholarship is intended for students who come from families with low income and/or 3T areas. Scholarships are given in the form of cost assistance or tariff deductions.

Apart from education, the Pro-People's BLU program is as follows.

The government provides assistance for the issuance of halal certificates. The tariff for the issuance of halal certificates for MSME actors will be subject to a service rate of Rp. 0.00 with financing from the central or regional government, social institutions, religious institutions, or other halal product guarantee provider partners.

The government distributes loans or financing to MSMEs through the Pro-People's BLU program to support capital and improve the environment.

The government through the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) also provides scholarships to tens of thousands of awards. The value of the distribution of scholarships that have been successfully distributed reaches tens of trillions of rupiah. In addition, funds are also channeled to thousands of researches funded with large funding.

That's information related to the Pro Rakyat Blu program. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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