
BENGKULU - The Central Bengkulu District Attorney's Office (Kejari) detained the Village Head (Kades) in Pagar Jati District with the initials BE as a suspect in the alleged corruption case of village funds (DD) which caused state losses of Rp494 million. "The detention was carried out after Benteng Police investigators handed over the second stage file to the prosecutor's office, where the suspect and evidence (BB) were also transferred after the file was declared complete or P21," said Head of Intelligence Kejari Central Bengkulu Marjek Ravilo, Tuesday, January 3, confiscated Antara. He said, for the time, the suspect BE was entrusted to the Benteng Resort Police (Polres) as a deposit detainee. The Kejari is preparing an indictment file before 20 days of detention so that the court can then be transferred. Previously, the Central Bengkulu Police arrested the BE for the alleged corruption case of village funds which caused state losses of Rp494 million related to the management of village funds in 2019. The alleged corruption case was related to the construction of the Tani Business Road (JUT) which was found to be suspected of misappropriation of the budget amounting to Rp338 million. Then the village capital investment budget for Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) in the village amounted to Rp109 million.

The investigative team has carried out the investigation stage to investigate cases of alleged corruption since September 24 until now and the investigation process is carried out based on incoming reports. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Iptu Donald Sianturi, said that the suspect BE, who is the village head, managed his own village funds without involving other village officials who had been appointed as the implementing committee for budget activities. "Based on BE's information, the money from corruption from the village funds was used by the suspect for daily needs," he said. in this case, his party has examined 41 witnesses consisting of village officials, village cadres, suppliers of goods, experts and others.

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