
JAKARTA - The Trenggalek Damkar Team, East Java, evacuated slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) which was lost in a resident's house in the Senden Village area, Kampak District.

Primata, which is categorized as a endangered species (appendix 2), is suspected to be a resident's pet and released from the owner.

"Maybe the slow loris is starving and looking for food in people's homes," said Trenggalek District Satpol PP Head Stefanusani Atmono in Trenggalek, Monday, January 2.

The evacuation process was carried out by firefighters by climbing the roof of Nur Kholis' house, inside.

The rare animal did not move much, nor did it fight back when officers grabbed his body which was hanging on the roof of a resident's house.

After being arrested, the adult slow loris was then taken to the Satpol PP office, the parent unit of the Trenggalek Regency fire department. The protected primates will be transferred to the East Java Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA).

Not only slow lorises, other wild animals caught by officers such as the 3.5-meter-long king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) were evacuated from residents' homes in the Kampak sub-district on December 27, 2022.

The snake was evacuated after it was reported to have entered the garage of the owner of the house's motorbike. "We will coordinate with the East Java BBKSDA to determine the next steps. What is clear is that we will hand it over there as the person in charge," he said.

Previously, the Trenggalek firefighters had also handed over two king cobra snakes that killed their brains in Trenggalek.

After being handed over to the East Java BBKSDA, the two king cobra snakes that killed his handler were brought to the shelter belonging to Panji Petualang for observation before being returned to their habitat in the forest.

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