
JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the National Alumni Family Association (IKAL Lemhannas) Agum Gumelar saw one striking difference in government when the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono and his previous governor, Anies Baswedan.

Agum assessed that Heru can now make the central government and the DKI Provincial Government more flexible in running government programs.

The former member of the Presidential Advisory Council views that this condition is needed to prepare Jakarta's position as a global business center after not becoming the capital city.

"The Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta is a figure who talks a little but works a lot. Pak Heru can build a synergy between local governments and the central government. That is the key to how Jakarta can be equal to big cities in the world," said Agum in Jakarta, Monday, December 2.

The DKI Provincial Government is currently accelerating a number of large projects that are the priority targets of Heru Budi Hartono. The project is the Ciliwung River drain-East Flood Canal (BKT), light rail or Light Rail Transit/LRT Jakarta from Velodrome to Manggarai and additional rail lines from Tanah Abang station.

In addition, Heru Budi Hartono is also preparing a breakthrough by boosting the construction of a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in the Tanah Abang area to make Jakarta a national trade pulse that is connected to all lines.

"Jakarta must have connectivity that improves the quality of life of the community and creates regeneration in terms of national socio-economics," said the former Governor of Lemhannas.

Agum Gumelar asked all members of the alumni association of Lemhannas education participants to support and oversee Heru's priority program.

"I ask all members of the Lemhannas IKAL, especially in DKI Jakarta, to oversee and support the government of the Acting Governor of DKI, Pak Heru Budi Hartono, to the end. The matter of policy policies and the development of Jakarta must be supported," he added.

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