
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial BPBD noted that throughout 2022 starting from January to December 30, there had been 1,409 disasters in DKI Jakarta Province. Consisting of 642 fire incidents, 127 flood disasters, 642 fallen trees, 197 roads inundated, 13 strong winds, 14 landslides, 2 earthquakes whose vibrations were felt to reach Jakarta. As well as 37 other disasters such as collapsed buildings, drowning people, sinking ships and others.

"The fire disaster in buildings and settlements is the highest type of disaster that occurred throughout 2022. Where the most occurred in August, namely 71 events, because it is still in the dry season," said the Head of Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of the DKI Jakarta BPBD, M. Ridwan, Saturday, December 31, BPBD of DKI Jakarta Province through the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Sector, has also calculated the estimated value of damage and loss after the fire disaster during 2022. "We found the results of the calculation of the estimated number of post-fire losses in the residential sector during 2022, which is estimated to reach a figure of Rp. 130,664,015,650," explained Ridwan. As for the highest flood events occurred in October as many as 19 events. Likewise, for the inundated road events as many as 62 events. This, said Ridwan, was because in October it became the transition time from the dry season to the rainy season. "Meanwhile, the highest strong wind disaster occurred in March 5 events, directly proportional to the highest fallen tree incident in March as many as 133 events," he said.

Throughout 2022, the DKI Jakarta Provincial BPBD will also be involved in humanitarian missions to help other communities in areas affected by disasters, by sending a Disaster Management Collaboration Task Force for the earthquake incident in West Pasaman Regency (West Sumatra), Kab. Pandeglang (Banten), and Kab. Cianjur (West Java) as well as the eruption of hot clouds falling on Mount Semeru Kab. Lumajang (East Java).

Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD for DKI Jakarta Province, Isnawa Adji advised the public to be aware of all potential disasters in Jakarta. "With a reflection of the disaster events in 2022, I advise the public to recognize the threat and reduce the risk," said Isnawa. He also expressed his appreciation for the collaboration of elements of pentahelix through the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB). "I am grateful for the cooperation and collaboration that existed within the FPRB during 2022, both in terms of human resources, logistics, and other support. Hopefully this will be a joint effort in realizing Jakarta as a Disaster Resilient City," concluded Isnawa.

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