
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo called the terrorist group the East Indonesia Mujahidin (MIT) completely eradicated. Thus, there will be no more acts of terror in Poso Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi). "In 2022 we declare that the MIT group has been successfully eradicated. Therefore, we will continue with efforts to recover security," said Sigit in his exposure to the End of the Year Release, Saturday, December 31.The task force with the Magado Raya Operation code has arrested 7 members of the MIT Poso terrorist in 2021. Then, as many as 3 Poso terrorists were successfully arrested and found in a dead state in 2022. "Currently, we are still looking for one left, but we are expected to have died. Currently we are looking for his body," he said. In addition, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police also mentioned that in the hunt down of the members of the separatist group there were no casualties from law enforcement officers in 2022. This is compared to last year's action. "This is different in 2021 where there were still 6 victims who died, due to 4 terror attacks from the MIT group," said Sigit.

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