
JAKARTA - Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Erika Retnowati said that she had carried out strict supervisory duties and functions regarding the distribution of subsidized fuel. Erika said, throughout 2022, BPH Migas has verified the volume of distribution of Certain Types of Fuel (JBT) and Subsidized Types of Special Assignment Fuel (JBKP).

Based on the results of the verification that has been carried out, there is a correction to the volume of diesel oil JBT distribution. As of November 2022, a correction of 20,086,467 kl or approximately equivalent to Rp200 billion has been made.

"We verified the volume, then we reported to the Ministry of Finance how much volume was distributed, which could be requested for subsidies," he said, quoted on Saturday, December 31.

Erika added that the results of the verification had also been reported to the Ministry of Finance so that it was transferred to non-subsidized fuel.

Erika further added that during 2022, BPH Migas has deposited IDR 1.31 trillion to the state through Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP). "The BPH Migas PNBP has reached IDR 1.309 trillion or 128.55% of the target of IDR 1.018 trillion," added Erika.

In terms of budget realization, Erika said BPH Migas succeeded in realizing a budget of Rp246.90M or 96.39 percent of the Rp256.14M budget ceiling.

"This will be the highest achievement of budget realization. The increase in budget realization is also accompanied by an increase in the performance of the agency's budget management and accountability," said Erika.

In the natural gas sector, BPH Migas has set 4 tariffs for transporting natural gas through pipes from 2 predetermined targets, namely tariff determinations for PT Transport Gas Indonesia for the Grissik - Duri transmission section, PT Pertamina Gas HGBT for the Gresik - Semarang section, Looping Gresik - PKG, Gresik - PLN Gresik, PT Triguna Internusa Pratama for the Tambun Tegalgede segment and PT Perta Daya Gas for the Arar Field - PLTMG Sorong section.

In 2022, natural gas prices for households and small customers will also be set for 20 regencies/cities and 1 province from the target of 17 regencies/cities. In addition, in terms of natural gas infrastructure development through pipes, currently it has reached 21,413.94 km (from the target of 19,300 km) with details of the transmission pipeline length of 5,299.36 km, distribution length of 6,157.82 km and gas pipeline length of 9,956.76 km.

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