
JAKARTA - DPD RI member Fahira Idris hopes that 2023 and 2024 will become a political year full of complaints about ideas and track records between election participants. According to him, the experience of last election full of tension and polarization is quite high, it must be an evaluation and introspection in the next election. Moreover, said Fahira, symptoms of the hot polarization of the 2024 General Election can already be detected throughout 2022. In particular, when the emergence of the names of figures who are considered public worthy of being presidential candidates in 2024 are motivated by certain groups.

"The political tension symptoms throughout 2022 ideally become our material for introspection. Especially those who have the power and influence to send cool messages ahead and during the political year that is in sight," Fahira said in a written statement, Saturday, December 31.

The senator from DKI Jakarta appealed to the elites in the country to further spread positive messages. According to him, the best way to elect representatives of the people and the president is to compare the ideas of the candidates. That way, said Fahira, the candidates will be forced to compete with ideas and throw track records. So that the people as voters become luminous.

"This warm election atmosphere has become the result of polarization's return if it is not managed properly, especially by political elites. Most concretely, the 2024 election is colored by complaints of ideas and track records, don't give space for polarization," said Fahira.

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