
JAKARTA The Tanjung Priok Port has experienced an increase in passengers. Tajung Priok Port Authority Public Relations official, Fauzi, said there were 15,769 passengers crowded the Tanjung Priok Port. This he said was based on the cumulative data of the Tanjung Priok Port Authority from December 18 to December 31, 2022.

"The total number of passengers increased by 849 people while the total passengers fell by 7,279. So that the total ups and downs of passengers were 15,769 people," said Fauzi in his statement, Saturday, December 31.

For the percentage of passenger ups and downs of 165.47 percent. Meanwhile, there are 911 passengers on the next ocean. "he continued.

Fauzi also said that for the number of ships departing, there were 17, while there were as many as 20 ships. As a result, the total movement of ships at Tanjung Priok Port is 37 ships.

The total arrival of ships is 20. Departure of 17 ships. Most of the departures to Ambon and Papua" are closed.

Previously, it was reported, based on an official statement from the Marine Authority for Tanjung Priok Port, it was recorded that from 18-23 December 2022 the number of passengers departing from Tanjung Priok Port was 3,450 people, while for those arriving there were 3,556 passengers.

So that when the total number of passengers departing or descending at Tanjung Priok Port is totaled to 7,006 people.

"The average destination for departure is to the East, for example to Jayapura, Flores and others," reads the statement written in the circular.

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