
JAKARTA - The West Java Regional Police (Polda) examined seven people related to the stabbing case in Cimahi City against Colonel Purnawirawan Sugeng Waras, Chairman of the Indonesian Fighters Retired Forum (FPPI).

West Java Police Head of Humas Kombes Pol. Ibrahim Tompo said that his party was serious about handling the case. Colonel Purn. Sugeng was allegedly stabbed on Thursday 29 December.

"We are investigating the perpetrators, and we will take this seriously. Please pray that the perpetrators will be caught quickly," said Ibrahim in Bandung, West Java, quoted from Antara, Saturday, December 31.

He admitted that he could not explain in detail the identity and number of the perpetrators because his party was still trying to ask for information from the victim.

"The victim (Sugeng) cannot be asked for his statement," said Ibrahim.

Thus, his party is still investigating the testimony of the witness along with other evidence to be able to immediately reveal the perpetrators of the stabbing.

Sugeng is suspected of being a victim of a stabbing while driving his car on Thursday, December 29 at around 14.00 WIB in a housing estate, Cimahi City, West Java.

The victim was attacked by an unknown person. The perpetrator stabbed him after breaking Sugeng's car window.

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