
Head of BP2MI, Benny Rhamdani in the 2022 End of the Year Public Report stated that 2022 as the year for the placement of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) has been successfully exceeded.

"The year 2022, which has been declared a year for PMI placement, has been successfully exceeded. The PMI placement rate has exceeded the set target," said Benny Rhamdani at the BP2MI office on December 30.

Data shows that in 2022, the trend of placing Indonesian migrant workers reached 198,754 PMIs who have worked abroad, an increase of 173.7 percent compared to 2021 which only recorded 72,624 PMIs.

According to Benny, PMI makes a real contribution to state revenue every year. It was recorded that in 2019 it reached 159.6 trillion, in 2020 it was 130.2 trillion, in 2021 it reached 127.4 trillion based on Bank Indonesia data.

Benny continued, that becoming an Indonesian migrant worker is one solution to overcome post-pandemic unemployment.

"The number of workers in Indonesia in 2022 reached 144.01 million. From this data, the number of unemployed was recorded at 8.39 million people. Meanwhile, the number of PMI placements in 2022 was 271,378. This shows that PMI placements have succeeded in helping overcome the unemployment problem in Indonesia up to 3.2 percent," explained Benny.

He added, this is real and concrete data on how to become PMI is a solution in overcoming the problem of unemployment in Indonesia and PMI provides extraordinary income and contribution to the country.

"Therefore, the government continues to show its side with PMIs. This is clearly shown through various progressive and revolutionary policy regulations as well as various facilities provided by the state, among others, by inaugurating the PMI Lounge and Fastrack facilities as year-end gifts from President Jokowi to PMIs at five airports in Indonesia, namely Medan, Semarang, Surabaya, NTB and Bali

In addition to the 2022 Migrant Day celebration in Jakarta, Benny revealed that these various things are a form of government alignment with PMI, as mandated by President Jokowi to Benny while serving as Head of BP2MI.

The struggle for PMI's welfare in the era of President Jokowi can be seen from the increase in PMI's salary in the domestic sector of Taiwan, as well as the struggle to eliminate components of the Taiwanese PMI Fee Agency that burden PMI.

In every socialization, Benny keeps voicing that Indonesia is an emergency for illegal placement. A total of 526 preventions were carried out by the central BP2MI and the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Service Center (BP3MI) to people who wanted to become victims of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO), while 5,848 non-procedural CPMIs had been saved from the TIP practice.

"In addition, the number of complaints that came in from PMI Terkendala (PMI-T), and handled by BP2MI was 82,701," he highlighted.

Benny realized that, with great responsibility, BP2MI, which has limited authority, cannot work alone. Cooperation between institutions must be carried out. So far, 100 local governments have collaborated with BP2MI.

"In addition to collaborating with 100 local governments as the spearhead of the CPMI-based region, BP2MI also cooperates with 10 central ministries/agencies, 75 educational institutions, and 15 other institutions," he said.

Of course, with BP2MI's achievements and work results so far, there have been many appreciations and achievements obtained by BP2MI. Some of them are the Unqualified Predicate (WTP) from BPK; Good predicate from KASN; 2nd place in the BKN Award; and 1st place in the title 1 of the Non-Ministry Government Institution (LPNK) in the National Legal Documentation and Information Network (JDIHN) Awards by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Not only that, BP2MI's hard work in 2022 also received a very good title, by Kemenpan RB, ANRI, and an award by KIP as an Informative Institution in the Public Information Disclosure Award, "concluded Benny Rhamdani regarding the achievement of PMI's delivery target.

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