
The Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo officially ratified three Draft Regional Regulations (Raperda) at the end of the first trial period 2022-2023. The approval was made after it was approved by the Central Java Provincial DPRD.

The three regional regulations are the Raperda on the Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Central Java Province; Raperda on the Governance of the Agricultural Results Marketing System, Fisheries and Products of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises; and the Raperda on the Protection and Empowerment of Fisheries and Agriculture Business Actors.

Through the Raperda on the Protection and Empowerment of Fisheries and Agriculture Business Actors, Ganjar hopes that the government can take a role to help fishermen and salt farmers.

"Especially for fishermen and salt farmers who must be protected so that if we can do it, God willing, it will be good," said Ganjar after a plenary meeting at the Central Java DPRD Building, Semarang, Friday, December 30.

From this Raperda, Ganjar hopes to protect fishermen and salt farmers from the potential for distortion, such as the existence of tengkulak.

In addition, the potential for accidents at sea is very high, so regional regulations are important to really protect fishermen and salt farmers.

Ganjar revealed that he had just launched an application of the Marine and Fishery Information System which helps fishermen access information, ranging from weather, news, publications, exports of fishery products, fishery statistics, marketing, fish prices, and so on.

He encouraged the application to be developed in the form of detecting the presence of fish.

"Thus, when fishermen go to sea, they can open the application and go directly to the point where the fish are located. We install it to fishing gear vessels, so fishermen will be able to go to these points so that fuel efficiency," he said.

Regarding the ratification of the Raperda for the Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, this is proof of Ganjar Pranowo's commitment to making an inclusive environment for people with disabilities in the Central Java Provincial Government.

"This is a regional regulation that I think is good to strengthen how people with disabilities have the rights that need to be protected," he said.

For the Raperda on Governance of the Marketing System for Agricultural, Fishery Products and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, he hopes to maximize the market from the products of farmers, fishermen, and small business actors.

"Well, it is hoped that these three regional regulations will actually be used as guidelines for the government for those who budget for those who implement it so that the council can monitor it," he said.

The Plenary Meeting with the agenda of ratifying the three drafts was chaired by Deputy Chairman of the Central Java DPRD Sukirman and Ferry Wawan Cahyono.

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