Untuk Melihat Celah Masuk, Bakung Nyambung Di Koja Terbija Jadi Pemalang Air Mineral
Capture the screen of the jumping squirrel in Koja, North Jakarta


JAKARTA The action of the jumping squirrel recently took place on Jalan Raya Semper, Koja, North Jakarta. The action of four perpetrators has gone viral on social media, and the police have arrested three perpetrators. One other perpetrator is still being chased.

The perpetrators' crime mode is fairly vague, because they disguise themselves as selling mineral water on the side of the road so they can monitor potential victims.

"The method is while selling mineral water. They see an iron transport car that can be taken, which is deemed safe to be taken and without anyone guarding behind the car," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Koja Police AKP Yayan Heri Setiawan when confirmed, VOI, Thursday, December 29.

Based on the confessions of the three perpetrators who have been arrested, the crime was carried out because they were forced and the easy way to get money. The iron he stole was sold, the money was for daily needs.

"Motif to find food," he said.

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