
JAKARTA - Former Head of Propam Polri Ferdy Sambo sued National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo and President Jokowi to the State Administrative Court (PTUN) in the aftermath of their dishonorable congestion. One of the considerations for the lawsuit is that his resignation letter is not processed.

Meanwhile, Ferdy Sambo had submitted a letter of resignation before the decision of the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial or on August 22.

"Ferdy Sambo has submitted a letter of resignation as a member of the National Police addressed to Defendant II Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the National Police Chief. However, the application was not processed and was considered by the relevant parties," said Ferdy Sambo's legal adviser, Arman Hanis to VOI, Friday, December 30.

In fact, according to him, the right to resignation has been regulated in Article 111 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) letters a and b of Perpol Number 7 of 2022 concerning KKEP.

The article contains the alleged violator who is threatened with dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) given the opportunity to submit his resignation from the National Police on the basis of certain considerations before the implementation of the KKEP trial.

Of course, given certain considerations in accordance with paragraph (1), it includes having a service period of at least 20 years and having achievements, good performance, and contributing to the Police, nation and state before committing violations.

Then, another consideration was that Ferdy Sambo during his time as a member of the National Police had carried out his duties well. It is proven that he received 11 signs of honor from the leadership of the Police.

"The three explanations above are snippets of some of the considerations we submitted," said Arman.

Ferdy Sambo sued President Joko Widodo and National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The lawsuit relates to the dishonorable mapping decision (PTDH) at the Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) appeal hearing.

On the SIPP PTUN website, this lawsuit is registered with Number 476/G/2022/PTUN.JKT dated Thursday, December 29.

"The defendant, one, President of the Republic of Indonesia. Two, Chief of the Indonesian National Police," said Ferdy Sambo's lawsuit.

In the lawsuit there are four points of application. First, grant the Plaintiff's Lawsuit in its entirety, and declare the Defendant I Decree null or void as stated in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 71/POLRI/2022 concerning Disrespectful Dismissal of Police High Officers, dated September 26, 2022.

There was also a request to order Defendant II to place and restore all the rights of the Plaintiff as a Member of the Indonesian National Police.

Finally, the lawsuit to punish Defendant I and Defendant II responsibly pays the court fees incurred in this case.

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