
JAKARTA - In order to improve services to customers and as a form of support for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in order to support the implementation of the 2023 New Year's Eve Festival: Jakarta Semarak and ASEAN Force Gelorakan in 2023, PT LRT Jakarta increased operating service hours until 02.00 WIB on December 31, 2022 to January 1, 2023. This additional operating hours apply to all routes traversed by the Jakarta LRT starting from Pegangsaan Dua Station Kelapa Gading to Velodrome Station Rawamangun, with a total of 42 travel planning.

Thus, the operating service policy of PT LRT Jakarta on that day is as follows:1. Operational hours on Saturday, December 31, 2022 starting at 05.30 WIB until Sunday, January 1, 2023 at 02.00 WIB. The train will start operating again according to the regular schedule at 05.30 WIB.2. After the inter-headway time every 10 minutes.3. The passenger transport capacity reaches 270 passengers in a series of trains.

Head of Corporate Secretary Division of PT LRT Jakarta, Sheila Indira Mahardi, said that the additional service hours were also based on the Decree of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Service Number e2229/PH.10.00 concerning Assignment to Limited Liability Companies of Jakarta Integrated Moda Raya and Jakarta Integrated Highway Companies for the Provision of Rail Services Supporting the 2023 Semarak New Year's Night Festival, Gelorakan Kekuatan ASEAN Year 2023.

"This is a manifestation of PT LRT Jakarta's commitment - which is a subsidiary of the Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD) PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) - which serves not only as a public transportation operator for Jakarta, but also to provide excellent service to all customers, including in this case providing easy mobilization of Jakarta residents who want to celebrate the New Year's Eve 2023", he added.

In addition, in order to enliven the Christmas and New Year's Celebration (NATARU), LRTJ also presents various activations at stations that Friends of the LRTJ can enjoy as a year-end vacation option.

LRTJ presents a series of activities such as LRTJ Year End Music, Free Cotton Candy "Happy Sweet Christmas" for LRTJ customers, as well as Carnival Games which take place from 29 December 2022 to 1 January 2023 at Velodrome Station and North Boulevard Station. LRT Jakarta.

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