A number of police officers from the Bandung Police, Wetan Polrestabes Bandung, became drivers for tourists to surround Gedung Sate, Bandung City, West Java, using a golf cart.
Bandung Police Chief Wetan Kompol Asep Saepudin said the golf cart was a car from the Directorate of Security for Vital Police objects in West Java to carry out patrols. However, he said, the car was also used to serve tourists.
"We'll just take a walk around Gedung Sate, about 700 meters around, in case there are tourists who want to take pictures at Gedung Sate," Asep said at the location, Antara, Wednesday, December 29.
According to him, the service for tourists is free of charge. The activity, he said, had been going on since the 2022 Christmas holiday until the 2023 New Year moment.
Asep said there were two electric-energy golf cars prepared to transport tourists. The car can carry about five passengers on a single road.
For tourists who want to use the service, according to him, they can directly approach the Christmas and New Year Security Posts at the gates of Gedung Sate. At that location, according to him, tables and chairs for tourists are prepared to wait in line.
"Since yesterday there have been tourists from inside and outside the city," he said.
Meanwhile, a tourist from Jakarta, Yuliasari (39), admitted that he was helped by the golf cart service. He also admitted that this was the first time he could experience riding an electric car without a door.
"This is the first time, yes. So we came here earlier to the Geological Museum, then we wanted to go to the Gedung Sate Museum, but it was closed. So we just take photos here," said Yuliasari.
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