
KEPRI - Shipping from Tanjunguban Port, Bintan, Riau Islands (Kepri) has been postponed. Bad weather is blocking the roro boat on the route Pulau Matak, Anambas Regency and Penagi Island, Natuna Regency, sailing today, Thursday 29 December.

"For BN (Roro Basah Nusantara ship) 01, we still cannot sail until now, because bad weather is still hitting the area," said General Manager of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Batam, Marsadik, when contacted, Thursday, December 29.

Marsadik explained that the Nusantara 01 ship had been under bad weather for several days. He also could not confirm when the ship would return to sailing. "It's been a few days, but not because there was damage to the ship, but indeed because of the weather. In the Anambas and Natuna areas the wave height can be 5 to 6 meters. So it is not possible to make a voyage," he said.

Marsadik ensured that his party would monitor the latest weather developments in the waters destinations of ships from Tanjunguban Port. He also admitted that he often coordinated with the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)

"So it depends on the BMKG too, if for example it is safe and can make a voyage, then we can operate the ship again," he said.

As for other voyages such as Pekanbaru and Jambi areas, Marsadik said there were no obstacles until now despite the bad weather that has hit the Riau Islands region in recent weeks.

"For other safe shipping, such as going to Kuala Tungkal, Jambi and Pakning, Riau, there are no obstacles due to the weather," he said.

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