
JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin acknowledged that the government cannot work alone to reduce environmental pollution emissions.

Indonesia is committed to increasing the target of reducing emissions in Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions to 31.89 percent with its own capabilities, and 43.20 percent with international support by 2030.

"The government cannot work alone to achieve this target. Multi-party and multi-sector support in the collaborative and cooperative paradigm, including from the business world, is urgently needed to meet the targets we have set," said Vice President Ma'ruf at the handover of the 2022 Proper award at the Vice President's Palace. Jakarta, Thursday 29 December quoted from Antara.

The Proper (Public Disclosure Program for Environmental Compliance) is a government program to evaluate the company's performance for environmental protection and management efforts.

"Active participation in the business world in real actions in tackling climate change and managing a sustainable environment is highly anticipated," said the Vice President.

The increase in the target is based on various national policies related to climate change, such as the application of a carbon tax, efforts to achieve a Net Sink 2030 FOLU (Forest and Other Uses), namely steps built in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the forestry and land sector, accelerate the development of an electric vehicle ecosystem and the initiation of the B40 biodiesel program.

"Companies that take part in Proper, both in terms of numbers and rankings are increasing. This means that more and more companies are aware of the importance of playing a role in environmental management," added the Vice President.

The vice president hopes that companies at the "Green" and "Gold" levels will have even more percentages.

In the event delivered from 3,200 units of corporate entities assessed, 51 companies got the category "Gold", 170 companies got the category "Grand", 2,031 companies got the category "Blue", 887 companies got the "Red" category, two companies got the "Hitam" category, and 59 were not announced, because in the law enforcement process and were not operating.

"For companies that are still at 'Hitam' and 'Red' levels, I am sure I will be able to catch up with referring to the best practices to meet environmental standards," said the Vice President.

In addition, there has been a savings for environmental management efficiency efforts that reached IDR 126 trillion, an increase of 23 percent from 2021, including the disbursement of funds of IDR 1.89 trillion for empowerment and improving the welfare of the surrounding community. company.

"I hope that the community empowerment efforts that you/mothers do are a sustainable program, so that the funds being rolled out will continue to encourage the growth of entrepreneurs and support the community more empowered," added the Vice President.

The vice president also congratulated the companies receiving the Anugerah Proper, especially the "Gold" rankings and CEOs who received the Green Leadership award.

"The performance of your companies has proven to be at the forefront of environmental management. The success of the Anugerah Proper Program can be followed by other programs that continue to involve all components of the nation, both the business world, society, community organizations, central and local governments, as well as wider stakeholders," said the Vice President.

In his remarks, the Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya Bakar said that throughout 2022 there were 872 innovations in the environmental sector that had been born by the company and were considered to have generated savings of Rp126.28 trillion.

These innovations, for example, are energy savings of 469.3 million giga joules, reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 112.9 million tons of CO2 eq, decreased conventional emissions by 11.92 million tons, reduction in B3 waste by 25.26 million tons, 3R non B3 waste by 10.44 million tons, water efficiency by 326.62 million cubic meters, decreased water pollution burden by 33.01 million tons and efforts to protect biodiversity covering an area of 111 thousand hectares.

"Efforts to improve the performance of environmental management also have a positive impact on the community. In 2022, it was recorded that Rp1.89 trillion had been rolled out in the community for community empowerment activities," said Siti Nurbaya.

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