
MERAK kembali terjadi, kecelakaan mobil jatuh ke laut di Dermaga 5, Pelabuhan Merak Banten, Rabu 28 Desember, sekitar pukul 22.35 WIB. Dirpolairud Polda Banten Kombes Pol Giuseppe Reinhard Gultom membenarkan peristiwa tersebut.

"It is true that there was an accident of a cement cargo Fuso truck with BE number 8580 HMD, falling into the sea when the vehicle entered the KMP Labitra Karina ship at around 22:35," Gultom said in a written statement, Thursday, December 29.

Gultom explained that the accident occurred due to bad weather disturbances at Merak Port.

Bad weather. When the Fuso truck was about to get aboard the KMP Labitra Karina ship, the wind and high waves at Pier 5 resulted in the condition of the ship being unstable and finally the truck that was still at the ramp door fell to the right side of the dock. There were no casualties in this incident, because the truck driver had already left the wheel before the evacuation process took place, "explained Gultom.

Meanwhile, the Head of Ops for the Cilegon Police, Kompol Andi Suherman, revealed that the incident of the truck into the sea had been mutually agreed to prevent ramp door damage.

The incident of a truck that was about to enter the ship had broken wheels and was involved in the ship's ramp door. We have agreed with related parties that the incident was solely caused by the patas as in the ramp door position," explained Andi.

Then we from the police, of course, carry out checks and deepening related to the incident.

"We need to convey that interested parties have made an agreement and have been mutually agreed upon. We from the police are doing what we should to straighten it out so that there is no misunderstanding. This has been agreed together and there are no longer mutual claims claiming, "concluded Andi.

Previously, a white Daihatsu car fell into the sea when it entered the ferry, Friday, December 23, at around 22.00 WIB. The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, said the case had been handled by the Banten Police Nataru Task Force.

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