
JAKARTA - A member of the Pondok Aren Police, Bripka HK received a four-year demonstration and a one-year postponement. The decision was made after Bripka HK underwent a code of ethics trial at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, December 28.

The attorney for Imelda Sinambela, Tris Haryanto, assessed that the results of the decision from the code of ethics trial were unfair. According to him, Bripka HK deserves to be given Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH).

"The National Police should take firm action against members such as Bripka HK who do not have good morals, which of course makes the image of the institution bad in the eyes of the community," Tris said in a short message, Thursday, December 29.

What's more, Bripka HK has also admitted that he has had an affair with dozens of women and neglected his wife. Therefore, Bripka deserves a decision from the Not With Respect (PTDH).

"Obviously, firmly and clearly the alleged violator of Bripka HK admitted his actions. This has clearly hurt the hearts and feelings of my client who also injured the Polri institution," he said

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