
SERANG The Banten Police raised the legal status of the case of a car accident falling into the sea at Pier 2 Merak Port on Friday, December 23, at around 22.00 WIB. The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Pol. Shinto Silitonga, said the case had been handled by the Nataru Task Force of the Banten Police.

"The handling of the case has been transferred from the Banten Police Ditpolairud Investigator to the Banten Police Nataru Task Force," Shinto said in a written statement, Wednesday, December 28.

Shinto added that the case had been raised to the fingerprinting process.

"The Banten Police Nataru Task Force has raised the marine accident case from investigation to fingerprint," he added.

Meanwhile, investigators from the Banten Police Nataru Task Force have examined the victims and witnesses from the ASDP operator or employee and the operator PT. IFPRO as port operations and has checked the crew of the PT. Surya Timur Line.

"In the future, investigators will conduct an examination of GM ASDP Merak and GM PT. IFPRO," concluded Shinto.

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