
The Center for Drug and Food Control (BBPOM) revealed 37 cases of drug and illegal food trade in Pontianak, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) throughout 2022.

Head of BBPOM Pontianak, Fauzi Ferdiansyah, said that the food and medicines were not ordered and did not meet a number of other regulations.

He explained that the control was based on the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 80 of 2017 concerning the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency.

"We, as one of the Technical Implementation Units within the POM, throughout 2022 have found 37 cases of illegal drugs and food with a nominal amount of Rp1.043 billion, in this case, do not have a distribution permit and do not meet other regulations," he said in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Wednesday, December 28, confiscated by Antara.

The results of this control have been followed up with the Projustitia of seven cases, and the development of 31 cases.

A total of 1,418 types of drugs and foods were confiscated, consisting of 33,112 packages of illegal drugs and foods found in the operation to control drugs and foods that did not meet the provisions.

"Which consists of drugs without distribution and hard drugs without expertise and authority (examples Obsagi, Mineoxidil, etc.), traditional medicine without distribution permits (examples Bugarin, Strong Men Cap Bear, and others), health supplements without distribution permits (examplosive Lachel Vitamin C 2 in 1, Frozen Detox Dietary Supplement, and others), cosmetics without distribution permits (example Collagen, Temulawak, Tati Malaysia, and others), and processed food without distribution permit (example Soloco Chocolate)," he said.

On that occasion, the head of BBPOM Pontianak appealed to the public not to buy illegal drugs and food or those who do not have a permit from BBPOM, so as not to be harmed, both in terms of quality and others.

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