
Member of Commission V DPR Suryadi Jaya Purnama, responded to differences in predictions of extreme weather ahead of the new year from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).

Climatology researcher at the BRIN Center for Climate and Atmospheric Research, Erma Yulihastin, estimates that there is a potential for large floods due to extreme rain to storms in the Jabodetabek area, especially Tangerang or Banten, on Wednesday, December 28. This is based on data analysis from the Satellite Early Warning System (Sadewa). However, in contrast to BRIN, BMKG predicts that the Jabodetabek area will indeed experience extreme rain but not storms. According to BMKG, on December 28, the Jabodetabek area is still in a safe category because the intensity of rain is estimated to be light to moderate rain. From BMKG modeling, Jabodetabek will only experience heavy rain on Friday, December 30. BMKG also asked all parties to be careful in using terms due to extreme rain and storms, it is different. Suryadi said, according to the law, measurable information related to extreme weather predictions only through BMKG. He hopes that the public will no longer be confused and restless over the difference in weather forecasts between heavy rains and storms.

"In this regard, the government needs to impose a door for measured dissemination of information about extreme weather, namely through BMKG, in accordance with Law Number 31 of 2009 concerning Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics," said Suryadi in a statement received by VOI, Wednesday, December 28. "Don't let, because differences in information cause unrest in the community," he added. On the other hand, the member of the commission partnering with BMKG, BNPB and Basarnas revealed that the government has carried out various anticipations of extreme weather. For example, the Ministry of PUPR has completed the Ciawi Dam and Sukamahi Dam as dry dams that function as flood control. Then, the National Search and Rescue Agency (BNPP) or Basarnas also implements Special SAR Alert for Christmas and New Year 2023 by placing personnel and main tools in strategic locations prone to accidents or disasters at ports, toll roads, airports, bus terminals, and tourist attractions.

Then the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) will also implement weather modification technology (TMC) to reduce the potential for flooding due to extreme rain.

With various government preparations to anticipate extreme rain during the ripe new year, Suryadi asked for dissemination of information related to weather by the government to be even better. "So people don't need to be restless so that their economic activities are disrupted. Christmas and New Year travelers also don't need to be confused in making travel plans," concluded Suryadi.

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