
JAKARTA - After being revitalized since April 14, the Tosari Bus Stop in Central Jakarta has officially reopened by PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) starting December 26 yesterday.

Director of Engineering and Digital of PT TransJakarta, Mohamad Indrayana explained, the Tosari bus stop is one of the iconic stops built to resemble a cruise ship. On the top floor there is a platform for passengers.

For the platform, visitors can enjoy beauty and take pictures with the background of the Selamat Datang Monument.

"So, before that, we also discussed the Welcome Monument from this direction, we can see the monument better in a position from the South side," said Indrayana as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 28.

The revitalization along the Sudirman-Thamrin road is an iconic stop starting from the Sarinah bus stop, Hotel Indonesia (HI) roundabout stop, Tosari stop, and Dukuh Atas Satu stop.

"The Tosari bus stop is actually the same principle as the HI sheaf stop, so the iconic bus stop has characteristics according to its location which is indeed in the city center of Jakarta in addition to other functions," he said.

Indrayana explained that another function has the principle that all TransJakarta facilities must be inclusive, namely friendly for people with disabilities.

Facilities comply with TransJakarta standards, which now have retail, toilets, prayer rooms, then facilities for persons with disabilities such as escalators, elevators, and so on.

"We provide disability-friendly facilities so that they can serve all customers who will use TransJakarta. The main thing is, when it comes to Iconic, it comes from its shape to the characteristics of this area," he added.

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