
JAKARTA - To support the capacity building and achievements of students in the field of technology, Acer provides 100 laptops of support to the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

The handover of 100 laptops was carried out symbolically on the 3rd Floor of the Kemendikbudristek Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 27. The laptop is intended to support the development of Indonesian talents in preparing globally competitive human resources.

Acer's contribution to providing this laptop is an effort to develop talent and educational talent under the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Acer brings educational missions in order to bridge the relationship between technology and humans through the provision of quality technological devices so that they can be accessed by more people. This is in line with the goals of Acer for Education in an effort to accelerate the digitalization process in the field of education.

In the world of education, Acer Indonesia is guided by the application of pillars of the digital transformation ecosystem. First, Acer wants to be a part of strengthening Human Resources. Second, presenting a platform for Explore in Science so that the digital education ecosystem becomes integrated. Third, support the fulfillment of digital support by producing products with physical components (hardware) that already have TKDN certification. Fourth, provide data protection through cybersecurity services.

"In addition to requiring comprehensive governance and development of national talent, realizing talented and competitive human resources globally certainly requires the support of technological devices with good performance. Through this support, we hope to be a part of encouraging national talent so as to produce superior human resources for the future. Indonesia, "said Head of Marketing, Acer Indonesia, Fransisca Maya.

Assistance from Acer to the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture aims to improve the development of the quality of human resources in various talent empowerment programs. With the support of laptop-shaped goods, it is hoped that it will become a stimulus and facilitate talents to deepen their field of study through the use of technological devices.

"I want to convey that the laptop assistance in total is 100, for me the number of 100 is already large. That number will provide assistance for us at the National Achievement Center which will later help related events. This collaboration was initiated during the implementation of the International Olympiad in Information (IOI) 2022 in Yogyakarta. We will use this assistance at the Ministry and of course will work together to become a means at the National Achievement Center. This collaboration does not end here, we can learn a lot about what is even better in the future. We, on behalf of Puspresnas and BPTI friends, would like to thank you. Maybe in the future there will be more cooperation with Acer or other parties," said Ir. Hendarman, M.Sc. Ph.D, Head of the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Acer hopes that this support can contribute in helping prepare talented and globally competitive human resources in order to achieve the goal of the National Talent Management Grand Design for 2022-2045 which has been initiated by the Government of Indonesia.

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