
Chairman of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) RI Rahmat Bagja, asked the Ummat Party to report any disturbances in the implementation of factual verification held by the General Elections Commission (KPU). This was conveyed by Bagja in response to the alleged Ummat Party which stated that one of the parties wanted to thwart the factual verification process in North Sulawesi.

"Yes, report it," Bagja told reporters, Tuesday, December 27.

If the Ummat Party does not report, Bagja said, Bawaslu will find it difficult to investigate the alleged disturbance. However, according to him, so far Bawaslu has not found any indication of a disturbance called the Ummat Party.

"Until now, this has not been monitored ( factual verification disorder, ed). As long as there are no indications and findings or reports, it will be difficult to investigate," said Bagja. It is known, the Ummat Party passed the administrative verification in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and North Sulawesi (Sulut) by the Indonesian KPU. Currently, the KPU is still verifying the factual members of the Ummat Party until December 28.

"The Indonesian KPU today started factual verification, because administrative verification to participate in the 2024 General Election has been declared eligible, aka passed," said the spokesman for the Ummat Party, Mustofa Nahrawardaya, when confirmed, Monday, December 26. Mustofa hopes that the factual verification carried out by the KPU for 3 days will run smoothly. So that on December 30, his party will already hold serial numbers as political parties participating in the 2024 General Election.

"Later December 30, the KPU will announce the results. God willing, the Ummat Party will pass. Please pray, so that on December 30, we will hold the order to participate in the 2024 General Election," said Mustofa.

During the factual verification process, Mustofa explained, the KPUD will visit the Ummat Party cadres to confirm its membership. They will be checked for addresses until legal status in the party.

"Usually, later the problems that arise are during the verfac. Many names on ID cards are sometimes not the same as the everyday nicknames in their environment. So, sometimes the KPUD comes to the names that are sampled, but when visited, the local residents according to the ID card address do not know," explained Mustafa.

According to Bawaslu's decision, said Mustafa, at least 10 regencies/cities in North Sulawesi and 5 regencies in NTT must pass factual verification. "Alhamdulillah, we have followed all stages since December 20 and have completed according to the direction of the KPU and Bawaslu," he said. However, Mustafa said that one of the political parties was trying to thwart the factual verification process in North Sulawesi. "From information from party administrators and cadres in the regions undergoing re-verfaq in North Sulawesi, we received a report that cadres of one particular party were keen to interfere with factual verification," said Mustafa.

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