
JAKARTA - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) reminded the public's preparedness for extreme weather when traveling during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year holidays.

Acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data and Information Center Abdul Muhari said people traveling in river areas, waterfalls and beaches need to be vigilant.

For people who vacation in rivers and waterfalls, he said, they are asked to be on standby in case of heavy rains for more than two hours. Mainly those who enjoy the trend of glamping or camp-style lodging.

"If it rains for more than 2 hours, our visibility (view, ed.) is lacking, then immediately go up to a safer place. Wait until the rain subsides in 1-2 hours, see if there is no significant increase in discharge then we will return again," said Abdul at the online event 'Disaster Briefing' in Jakarta, Monday 26 December, confiscated by Antara.

Then, for people who travel on the beach, Abdul reminded them to always ensure extreme weather information from the BMKG.

"Because it usually brings tidal waves. It's really 'update' at the location where we are traveling," he said.

BMKG has conveyed that during the Christmas and New Year 2023 holidays, the potential for extreme weather is still there due to weather anomalies in several places.

The Ministry of Transportation has said that 44 million people travel for holidays and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which has begun to slope, people have started to be free to travel.

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