
A total of 103 correctional inmates (WBP) who served sentences in various correctional institutions in the Special Region of Yogyakarta received a reduced sentence or special remission for Christmas 2022.

"For prisoners who are free today, tell yourself not to repeat their actions against the law," said Head of the Correctional Division of the Yogyakarta Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Gusti Ayu Putu Suwardani during the symbolic handover of the Special Christmas Remission Decree to WBP at the Yogyakarta Class IIA Narcotics Prison, quoted from ANTARA, Sunday, December 25.

Of the number of recipients of the remission, one of them received special remissions (RK) II or was immediately released. According to him, as many as 28 inmates are special criminal convicts, namely 26 WBP narcotics cases and 2 WBP corruption cases.

The inmates who received RK I received a reduced prison term varied, namely 15 days and 2 months.

He said that granting remissions to WBP is one indicator of the implementation of coaching in prisons, detention centers, and LPKA as the right of a protected WBP and stipulated by law (UU).

Remissions, said Gusti Ayu, were given to inmates who meet substantive and administrative requirements, behave well, actively participate in coaching programs, and show a decrease in risk levels.

He said remission is a form of government appreciation through a gift in the form of giving reduced sentences as a form of coaching.

"This is expected to encourage inmates to consistently improve themselves and participate in coaching programs properly so that they can reintegrate with the community," he said.

The inmates who received special Christmas remissions were spread across seven prisons/rutan in DIY, namely Yogyakarta Class IIA Prison, Yogyakarta Class IIA Narcotics Prison, Class IIB Sleman Prison, Wonosari Class IIB Prison, Yogyakarta Class IIB Women's Prison, Yogyakarta Class IIA Detention Center, and Class IIB Wates Detention Center.

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