
JAKARTA - Golkar Party politician Maman Abdurrahman, revealed that the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) has begun to discuss the names of presidential candidates (candidates) who have the potential to be promoted in the 2024 presidential election. "There has been internal discussion," said Maman, Saturday, December 24. Maman said that the names that KIB looked at were not only based on the results of the survey but also considered all the factors. However, he was still reluctant to reveal who the figure who was being discussed in the internal KIB initiated by Golkar, PAN and PPP. According to him, discussions regarding presidential candidates were not easy. So the questions about the names that entered the KIB exchange were still kept secret. "Political dynamics is not as simple as what we think, we cannot simply see the results of the survey, it cannot be seen party support, meaning that complexity exists," said Maman.

As for the formal aspects that the KIB presidential candidate must have, said Maman, this figure must get at least 20 percent party support or as regulated in the presidential threshold. Meanwhile, the non-formal aspect cannot be separated from the public's perception of what the figure is like.

"I think our grip is there first," said Maman. It is known, until now KIB has not decided on the name of the presidential candidate to be carried in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. For the time being, the internal candidate who strengthens is Golkar Ketum Airlangga Hartarto. Meanwhile, the external candidate is Ganjar Pranowo.

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