
JAKARTA - Golkar Party politician, Melkiades Laka Lena, responded to the results of the People's Consultative Assembly (Musra) of President Joko Widodo who placed the General Chair, Airlangga Hartarto, included in three selected presidential candidates. Airlangga, also called very competitive in East Nusa Tenggara and West Sulawesi (Sulbar). According to Melki, currently many Indonesians are politically literate, including in NTT. Therefore, he believes that Airlangga can get significant votes in the region. "It takes a long time for Indonesian people to be included in NTT to be more rational, not emotional political literate, and to see that today's advanced political figures as presidential candidates who are actually working and feeling the benefits of the entire Indonesian community, yes Airlangga Hartarto," said Melki, Friday, December 23. The chairman of the NTT Golkar DPD said that Ketum's work has been felt by the community in his capacity as Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Chair of the KPC PEN. "One of the important things working in Pak Jokowi's era is Pak Airlangga Hartarto, of course, while still respecting all parties who have worked both inside and outside the cabinet who have helped Pak Jokowi, "he said. For the experience and work results during his tenure as minister, the Deputy Chairman of Commission IX of the DPR RI assessed that Airlangga is very worthy of being the successor to President Jokowi. This political literate society finally sees that a figure who doesn't talk much or makes such an image like Pak Airlangga turns out to be more fitting to be our president going forward, "said Melki.

The legislator for the NTT electoral district believes that, along with the increasing political knowledge of the community, Airlangga's electability will increase. His electoral district, said Melki, will work hard to win its general chairman in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. "In the future, the public like this will get bigger, Pak Airlangga's opportunity will be more accepted to increase, and also his electability will be higher. We believe that Pak Airlangga will be an alternative that can continue Pak Jokowi," said Melki.

"We in NTT continue to encourage by way of and activities in the field involving all the strengths of parties and volunteers, sympathizers, to come forward with us to win Pak Airlangga in NTT by reaching number 1," he said.

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