
The Chairperson of the PDIP Honorary Division, Komarudin Watubun, denied the statement by the Secretary General of the Golkar Party, Lodewijk F Paulus, which stated that there was a commotion within the PDIP because of the results of the survey. PDIP is confirmed to be solid and compact under the leadership of Megawati Soekarnoputri. "I think the party that is the most solid, compact, and disciplined today is PDIP. Because we have strong organizational tools, we have strong organizational regulations. We have strong national leadership, Mrs. Megawati, we have a mechanism for the process of regional heads up to the president that has been standard, so there is actually no division," said Komarudin, Friday, December 23. Komarudin assessed that Lodewijk's interpretation and speculation were legitimate. However, as the head of the honorary sector assigned by the party, he guaranteed, a disciplinary and orderly organization.

"I think it's a legitimate analysis. But once again PDIP is the party that is most ready to fight in 2024," said Komarudin. Because, he added, PDIP has tickets for the 2024 presidential election without having to be a coalition with other parties. In fact, said Komarudin, PDIP has a lot of stock of cadres that can be submitted as presidential and vice presidential candidates. "Why is it the most prepared, in terms of tickets, boarding passes, PDIP without coalitions, he can run alone. PDIP has cadres who are ready for presidential candidates, there is Mba Puan, there is Mas Ganjar, there is Mba Risma. I think if surveyed nationally, the best thing is that we must have PDIP. This means that we have sufficient stock to fill the position of president at the national level," he concluded. Previously, Secretary General of the Golkar Party Lodewijk F Paulus, said there was a commotion in PDIP after the results of Ganjar Pranowo's electability survey beat Puan Maharani. Initially, Lodewijk reminded cadres about Golkar's commitment to win. He emphasized that the commitment must be realized in the field not only in the meeting room. According to him, there are two steps that must be taken to be winners. First, carrying out 'air strikes'. Second, the ground attacks carried out by cadres in the field. The air strikes in question are socialization using banners, billboards, social media, to survey institutions. He considered that this method will quite affect the public and even divide the party. Currently, Lodewijk mentioned the PDIP issue.

"We see the impact of the airstrikes on our neighbor, PDIP. When a Ganjar surveys are high, and a Puan surveys are low, what happens? We are still feeling the clashes inside. And until now we are still feeling it," said Lodewijk while giving a speech at the North Sumatra Regional Leadership Meeting (Rapimda) of the Golkar DPD in Medan, Thursday, December 22.

Lodewijk said the survey results did not only have an impact on PDIP but also on Golkar. Namely, there was a commotion in the DPR WhatsApp group because of that.

"Golkar is also the same, when the Golkar survey was low, maybe I didn't know my friends in the province, but at the center, in Jakarta, when our survey was down, someone became a defender, someone complained, but there were also those who survived. Finally we broke up, making a fuss in the WA group DPR RI," he said.

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