
JAKARTA - No wonder there are many naughty and fraudulent people who imitate a product in order to reap the maximum profit and ignore the health condition of consumers. Products that are commonly imitated or mixed are products that are viral and are in great demand by the public.

Usually, in marketing mixed products made, cheating individuals will price very badly. Who is not tempted by cheap goods?

Moreover, the product is currently viral. One of the cases of illegal implication of goods is Sunisa's powder. Who doesn't know the Sunisa brand is currently the main topic in the world of cosmetics discussion.

The original Sunisa Beda has many benefits when applied to the face of the wrong benefits are disguising acne scars, black spots and being able to brighten the skin. However, it is different from the fake Sunisa product which does not benefit, it actually damages pigment, the texture of facial skin becomes worse.

Untuk mengantisipasi hal yang tidak diinginkan karena efek dari produk abal-abal, seperti dikutip berikut ciri dan tips memilih Bedak Sunisa yang asli:

1. Distinguishing based on product prices. The price of the original Sunisa powder is almost close to the digit of IDR 100,000 (a range of IDR 90,000) while for abal-abal products it is priced below IDR 50,000.2. Distinguishing based on the appearance of the packaging. The original Sunisa powder packaging tends to be neat, clean and has no defects or damage. In contrast to the fake Sunisa which tends to be neat, there are defects, even a seal that has sometimes been broken. 3. The existence of a barcode, on the Sunisa product ori, of course, we encounter an official barcode code capable of being scanned, while in the fake Sunisa product it is not stated barcode.4. The difference between Sunisa ori and fake can then be seen through the BPOM license number. For the natural BPOM Sunisa number is NA11210300088 and the BPOM Sunisa Ivory white number is NA11210300089 while in the fake Sunisa there is no BPOM number or even there is not. 5. Sunisa distributors officially have legal licenses to sell and distribute Sunisa products, in contrast to fake Sunisa distributors who do not have valid licenses.

That's a short review of the characteristics and tips of choosing the original Bedak Sunisa. Be wise in buying a product so that benefits can be obtained.

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