JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that he would increase supervision of several areas in Papua during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year moments.
The reason is suspected to be related to the recent rampant attacks. Moreover, many warnings were celebrated by separatist groups in Papua in December.
" “ In Papua, of course, we from the center continue to carry out surveillance, yesterday also from the results of coordination with the Kapolda there are several points that we strengthen," said Listyo Sigit while leading the 2022 Candle Operations Ceremony at Monas Field, Jakarta, Thursday, December 22.
However, it was not explained in detail which areas the supervision would increase. Sigit only said that if it was aimed at keeping Papua conducive to the threat of terrorists.
"We want both in the central region west or east to be monitored so that the entire series, both related to Naru and other things, usually increases the escalation of the region, but we are all in a condition that is ready to face it all," said Sigit.
Previously, the National Police suspected that the recent attacks on the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) were based on a number of warnings celebrated by separatist groups in December. One of them is the birthday of the Free Papua Organization (OPM).
"In December the excalation increased, why in Indonesia increased, in December there were several warnings, warnings of their independence, warnings of various events in December, this increased the excalation," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo.
Thus, the National Police will increase vigilance. Then, continue to work with local governments and community leaders to prevent further attacks.
"We must increase vigilance in collaboration with TNI colleagues, then local governments and religious figures, this is important," said Dedi.
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