
East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Budi Sartono stated, based on the results of a monitor of 202 churches in his area, it was confirmed that they were safe for Christmas services.

Budi explained that the East Jakarta Police would place personnel in each church either holding Christmas services or not.

"Of the 202 there are those who hold worship and some do not. But even though all churches do not hold, we drop members," said Budi Sartono as quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 22.

Budi added that his party would place at least 2 to 10 police personnel to secure the church during Christmas celebrations.

Later the security will also involve members of the TNI, religious organizations, and security officers from each church.

"Each church will be dropped by members according to the total capacity and others. There are up to two people, ten or five people," said Budi Sartono.

Furthermore, Budi said that his party would also start sterilizing each church from December 24-25, 2022.

The sterilization was carried out to anticipate the possibility of a potential hazard that could disrupt the course of Christmas worship.

"So every church security will be sterilized. Later on December 24 and 25, sterilization will be carried out both from the Jibom (bomb disposal), K9, and so on," said Budi.

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