
BABEL - The case of alleged theft of diesel fuel (BBM) worth Rp. 17 million in Kelapa, West Bangka, Bangka Belitung (Babel), was resolved by restorative justice or restorative justice.

Kelapa Police Chief Iptu Azwar Fadli Pulungan said his party acted as a facilitator between the victim and the perpetrators to conduct deliberations and take a peaceful path.

"This case occurred in an oil palm plantation company located in Terentang Village, Kelapa District by involving three people suspected of being the perpetrators of embezzlement of the company's diesel fuel type," he said in Kelapa, West Bangka, Babel, Wednesday, December 21.

In this case, the perpetrator is suspected of not committing the crime of theft by weighting or embezzlement in the position as referred to in Article 363 Paragraph (1) of the 4th Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 374 of the Criminal Code.

Azwar explained that this peace agreement began with a report submitted by Riskiana Indra who served as the company's field supervisor to the Kelapa Police on November 29, 2022.

"At that time Riskiana reported allegations of theft or embezzlement of diesel fuel that occurred between October 2022 and November 2022 in oil palm plantations, with an estimated loss of Rp. 17 million," he said.

From the results of the examination of several witnesses and the collection of evidence, it was later discovered that it led to three perpetrators, namely the initials HA (23), residents of Sekayu, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra; MAT (23), residents of Lawang Wetan, Musi Banyuasin; and TA (27), residents of Pegajahan, Serdang Bedagai Regency, North Sumatra who have been domiciled in West Bangka.

"Furthermore, the perpetrator and the victim held a deliberation and agreed to resolve the issue amicably," he said.

In the deliberation, there was a consensus between the two parties by sending a letter of application, statement, and peace agreement to the Kelapa Police.

In handling this case, the police also carried out a special case title at the West Bangka Police with the conclusion of the results of the title, the case can be resolved through restorative justice because it has met the formal and material requirements in accordance with Perpol Number 8 of 2021 concerning Handling Criminal Acts Based on Restorative Justice.

"Based on the conclusion of the results of the special case title, an administration of the termination of the investigation related to cases reported by the company," he said.

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