
The DKI Jakarta Health Office provides Pfizer and Zifivax vaccines for special COVID-19 vaccination services in 58 churches spread over 44 districts of the capital, during Christmas celebrations.

"People who have not had the complete vaccine, we urge you to immediately complete the vaccination," said Head of DKI Jakarta Health Office Widyastuti in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 21, quoted from Antara.

Vaccination services at the church are not only for congregations. But it can also be accessed by anyone with an ID card all over Indonesia aged 12 years and over.

A total of 58 churches and one Cakung Police in Jakarta carry out vaccinations with varying schedules and times.

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The two vaccination brands were given for the first to fourth dose of vaccination.

For the third dose of vaccination only for ages 18 years and over and the fourth dose for the elderly or over 60 years and health workers.

Anak berusia 6-12 tahun yang belum mendapat vaksinasi dan akan melakukan perjalanan dalam negeri, Dinkes DKI meminta agar dipastikan sudah memiliki surat keterangan belum mendapatkan vaksinasi dari puskesmas atau fasilitas kesehatan dengan alasan tertentu.

If you have not received the certificate, the government provides another alternative, namely that the child must be accompanied by a parent / adult who have been fully vaccinated (up to the third dose) during the trip.

This provision is contained in the Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health Number 3984 of 2022.

The DKI Health Office asked residents not to delay complete vaccinations because they were effective in preventing deaths from COVID-19.

In addition, vaccination services are also opened in 44 sub-district health centers and public places such as malls and parks that are easily accessible.

Not only in the morning, some of them also provide vaccination services in the afternoon and evening, which is 16.00-20.00 WIB on weekdays and weekends.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Surveillance, Epidemiology and Immunization Section of the DKI Health Office, Ngabila Salama, added that doses one and two could already use different vaccine brands.

For example, the first dose of Sinovac or Astra Zeneca, then the second dose could be of a different brand, for example Pfizer.

Likewise, with the first dose for six months, residents do not need to repeat it from the start but can directly vaccinate with a vaccine brand different from the first dose.

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