
The Tasikmalaya Police have arrested a father who has the heart to cut his son's vitals during a nap at his home, Leuwisari District, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java. Even to the point of making the victim have to get medical treatment at the hospital.

"We have secured the initials J who abused his own 5-year-old biological child," said Tasikmalaya Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Ari Rinaldo to reporters, in Tasikmalaya, Wednesday, December 21.

He said suspect J (39) was arrested shortly after carrying out this action against his biological child, at his home in Sindangwates Village, Jayamukti Village, Leuwisari District, Tuesday, December 20 yesterday.

The suspect has now been detained at the Tasikmalaya Police Headquarters for further legal examination, and is investigating the suspect's motive for doing so.

"We are still investigating, we are still conducting a marathon examination of the suspect," he said as quoted by Antara.

During the interim examination, the suspect's statement was still changing, so it took time to explore it even more.

In addition to examining the suspect, said Ari, his staff will also examine a number of witnesses, including the wife of the suspect or the mother of the victim, as well as the victim who is currently undergoing medical treatment at the SMC Hospital.

"The condition of the victim is still in a public hospital accompanied by his mother, later he will also ask his mother for information," said Ari.

The information gathered about the father's actions against his son was carried out when his wife was going shopping for selling needs at his house.

The victim's mother before going out of the house, had time to leave the child who was sleeping with her husband.

However, his mother who was outside the house received news that her child was taken to the hospital due to injuries and bleeding. Currently, the victim's condition is still undergoing medical treatment at the SMC local government hospital in Singaparna.

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