
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) could not understand seeing judges at the Supreme Court (MA) who were involved in alleged bribery in case management. In fact, the state has given various rights to the judges.

"I feel really sad when a Supreme Court judge gets into legal problems. I think the state has given adequate rights, especially since yesterday there was also an additional allowance for each case," said KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata to reporters in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 21.

In addition, Supreme Court judges should not be afraid of being threatened. Alexander said, he could not be fired carelessly while carrying out his duties.

"Not just anyone, you know, who can fire the Supreme Court judge. This means that a judge does not need to worry about the threat of being dismissed while carrying out his duties," he said.

"So, what else is looking for from an Supreme Court judge," continued Alexander.

Furthermore, the KPK ensures that coordination will be carried out with the Supreme Court after the determination of a number of judges as suspects. Moreover, Alexander said, his party had received information about the existence of a judicial mafia from public reports.

"We still hope that as a court institution it will become the last bastion for justice seekers," he said.

As previously reported, Supreme Court Judicial Judge Edy Wibowo has been named a suspect in receiving bribes. He is suspected of receiving Rp3.7 billion in cash.

The money was given to decide so that the hospital would not be declared bankrupt. The award was made through civil servants at the Supreme Court, Muhajir Habibie and Albasari and carried out in stages.

Muhajir and Albasari had previously been named suspects in the same case. They were named as suspects along with 10 other people, including the inactive Supreme Court Judge Sudrajad Dimyati.

In addition, the KPK also named Supreme Court Judge Gazalba Saleh as a suspect. He is suspected of receiving money amounting to Rp. 2.2 billion or 202,000 Singapore dollars related to the imposition of criminal penalties for Intidana's Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP) management, Budiman Gandi.

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